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Safety operation specification for bench drilling machine

2021-12-10 09:34:28

Today, the small editor of the bench drilling machine takes you to understand the safe operation process of the bench drilling machine. The main purpose of this explanation is to specify the requirements for the safety of bench drilling operation and ensure the personal safety of personnel and the safe operation of equipment.

After understanding the purpose of this explanation, let's talk about the safety operation procedures of bench drilling machine:

1. Before use, check whether all parts of the drilling machine are normal. You must wear work clothes, tie cuffs, no scarf, no gloves, and girls' braids should be put in their hats.

2. The platform of the drilling machine should be tight and the workpiece should be clamped. When drilling small parts, they shall be clamped with special tools. It is not allowed to hold or press the drill with hands, so as to avoid personal injury and equipment damage caused by the rotation of the drill bit.

3. When adjusting the speed of the drilling machine, clamping tools and workpieces, and scrubbing the drilling machine, stop the machine.

4. When the drill bit is wound with long chips, it shall be stopped and removed. It is forbidden to blow or pull by hand. It shall be removed with a brush or iron hook.

5. In case of abnormal conditions, stop the machine immediately and ask relevant personnel to check.

6. When the drilling machine is running, it is not allowed to leave the work post. If you want to leave for some reason, you must stop and cut off the power supply.

7. When drilling thin plates, wood plates shall be padded. When the drill bit is about to drill through the workpiece, light pressure shall be applied to avoid breaking the drill bit, damaging the equipment or accidents.

8. When the drill bit is running, it is forbidden to wipe the drilling machine and remove iron filings with cotton yarn and towel. After work, the drilling machine must be wiped clean, the power supply must be cut off, and the parts stacking and working site must be kept neat and tidy.


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